February 23, 2025

What is Fast Forgiveness?

Fast Forgiveness is dedicated to encouraging  believers in Christ to desire to live with a forgiving spirit in order to quickly release others and themselves from the snares of grudge bearing, vindictiveness and vengeance. We must forgive fast or risk engaging in the most deadly of prideful exercises, that of defending ourselves while claiming we have every right to cruelly dangle mercy over the head of the wrong doers in our lives  but never apply that mercy, simply because we are the “victims”. Victim-hood rationalization begins very soon in varying degrees with each of us after we have been wronged. We cannot wait this out in the hope that we will come to our senses.  Victim-hood is never the place of enlightenment. Victim-hood people,  are in pain  and they seek  the instinctive cure of putting the blame off on another. Even if this be justified, it still leaves you merely a victim with a justification not an over comer, still in bondage but appearing the better for it because you have the notion of substantial justice and the sense of fair play on your side. But you remain a victim.  Forgive and overcome. This may be difficult, but living life through the distortions created by unforgiveness and victim-hood is not only more difficult, it it not living it’s dying with a “good excuse”.